Did you know?

  • Major advances are being made every day in electronics, and an increasing number of consumer devices and control units depend on the vehicle power supply network.
  • Car battery performance declines significantly at low temperatures. During the winter, however, a considerable amount of extra power is required to start the engine, run the ventilating fan and produce heat for the vehicle interior.
  • Especially on short trips, more electricity is used than is produced by the alternator.
  • Breakdown statistics published by major car associations show that battery failure is the leading cause of problems on the road.
  • Batteries are typical wear parts. Audi recommends replacing them every four years.

Insist on the Genuine article

AUDI Genuine Parts®

  • Conform with the quality of the components used to manufacture your vehicle,
  • Help ensure that all vehicle components continue to work together in perfect harmony. 
  • Offer you Audi’s high standards of safety, reliability and performance. 
  • 5 year limited warranty**